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4 mins

Shakira Jade

Business Coach

CPR Ambassador and Owner of Hair Candy

My name is Shakira Jade and I started my business Hair Candy back in 2007 when I was just 20 years old. I've worked since I was 13 to make my own way and started my career in hair at 16 years old. My goal was just to make enough money to support myself and be able to set my own work schedule. I never knew back then that my entrepreneurial spirit would lead me to where I am today.  

What started as just me doing hair extensions from home has grown into a multi-million dollar empire with 3 locations and a team of over 25. I've also developed my own brand of extensions, which I work directly with the manufacturer to make them to my specifications — ensuring Hair Candy remains a premium brand. I've developed signature hair extension methods and techniques that are now taught in our education program to salons Australia-wide and online.

I can't even count the number of times I have been so close to throwing in the towel due to the stress and uncertainty of running a business. But through these difficult times, I've gained strength and confidence in my abilities. They say pressure makes diamonds, and I believe that to be so true when it comes to business. The problems don't get easier; you just get better at facing them. I'm here to normalise challenges faced as an entrepreneur and shed light on the realities of scaling a business. Is it easy? Absolutely not. But is it worth it? 100%, without a doubt.

Since starting the Hair Candy brand in 2007, it has grown slowly but surely to be the industry leader it is today. With 3 salon locations and a thriving e-commerce business, we are growing faster than ever. And the best part? The business runs predominantly without me. I'm still involved in strategy, marketing and financial decisions, but the day-to-day operations and growth happen without me. We recently had one of our biggest, record-breaking weeks yet, and I was overseas on holiday while it happened.

As a CPR Ambassador providing business coaching to salons, I'd love to know what are some of the challenges you've faced as an entrepreneur or business owner? I invite you to be a part of a new way of being, where we openly share realities and struggles to support and encourage each other.

If you face challenges with staff, marketing, finances and attracting new clients, trust me, I have been there and met all of those same issues. I’m here to help guide you and give you support, so you're not alone when making crucial business decisions.  

I’m so grateful today that I took those leaps into the unknown and overcame those fears. With a thriving business, I can confidently say the risk has been worth the reward.

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