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Hey Honey #02

Jacqui Cubitt

CPR Ambassador Owner of Hey Honey Hair

And just like that, it’s time for me to write another column for you all! I can’t believe how crazy busy life has been lately, but lucky for me I thrive under pressure; so as I wait on my next client, scoffing down my lunch at 3 pm, I thought what better time to get started on this!  

Let’s dive straight in. I have two topics I am going to cover, 1) how to deal with challenging consultations and 2) how to tackle retail sales. Both are integral to the success of our salons and play key parts in our everyday work.

We’ve all experienced *that* challenging consultation. The client sits down and will almost always go straight into telling you about their previous experiences, they only wanted an inch cut off but the previous hairdresser took five; they asked for blonde but walked out brunette; how they use salon quality products despite their hair looking very unloved - we’ve all been there. You’re probably picturing the exact client in your head as you read on... stay with me!  

When I am challenged with these situations, I always start by saying “all hairdressers do hair differently, let’s talk about how we can achieve what you’re after.” Let’s be honest, we don’t want to be *that* hairdresser who brings down someone else’s work. Ladies and gents - we are all creative stylists! Let’s stick together and make the industry the best it can be.  

I follow up by listing a couple of positive things about their hair, remembering we want them to feel comfortable and confident in our salon, not attacked or insecure around us. By this point, your guest would have likely changed their tone due to how you are with them. This is your time to shine, stay true to yourself and offer your expertise – it’s what you do best! I like to create a clear plan for them, one that they understand and look forward to in their future appointments. Remaining honest and realistic about what you can achieve will encourage trust between yourself and the client. Don’t aim to over-deliver if you know it might not be exactly what they’re after, stick with the basics and work with them to achieve the best result for them. This makes them all the more likely to be back in your chair six weeks from now as your brand-new bestie!

Now, let’s talk about the fine art that is product recommendations. My golden rule is to never talk retail during a consultation, it’s too soon! Use this time to gain trust with your client and make them feel comfortable, save your sales hat for another time. I like to recommend retail along the way and educate my guests during the process. I start by introducing products before I wash their hair, and tell them what I’m using so that they can get a feel for the product.

Another great way to do this is if the client comments on the smell or the feel (or even the packaging) of a product, I always go and grab one from the shelf and put it in front of them. I then talk about how beneficial this product will be for their hair, whether it will strengthen, promote shine or control their frizz all year round. By this time, I have recommended three products without feeling like I’ve been forcing a sale on them. Knowledge is power: learn about products and be aware of what your client is after. This is also a great excuse to try the products on your own hair and really get a feel for the results. The most important thing to remember is that you want your client’s hair to be the best it can be. Educate your client and you won’t feel like you have to push a sale - ever!

If you have any questions or suggestions for my future articles and content - please reach out to me in The Circle Facebook page!



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